Allodoxaphobia: when you are afraid of expressing opinions

There are many phobias related to social interactions and they are usually related to self-esteem issues or insecurity. This is the case of allodoxaphobia, a disorder that prevents you from giving your opinion, in public or in private, because you fear being judged for your words. We tell you everything about allodoxaphobia or the fear of issuing opinions in our dictionary.

What is allodoxaphobia?

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of issuing opinions, although this fear is sometimes amplified by trying to also avoid listening to any opinion of others. But the most important problem is precisely the staff, the one that prevents you from speaking or giving your opinion because you fear that others will judge your words. And because you fear the consequences of giving.

In this case, the fear arises because you consider the act of giving opinions something dangerous for you, either for your prestige or you may even fear putting your own life at risk. Anyway, it is an excessive and irrational fear that can cause many problems in your day to day, in your social, family, sentimental and work relationships.

Symptoms of allodoxaphobia

This phobia of giving your opinion is sometimes related to glossophobia or fear of public speaking, a very common problem that has different degrees. But allodoxaphobia is closer to lalophobia or the fear of talking for fear that no one will take your opinion into account.  And how do you know if you suffer from allodoxaphobia?

You know you have this phobia because of your silences, because of those words that stay inside you when they should come out. Because you have the right to give your opinion like everyone else in this world but your fear prevents you from doing so. And it’s not just fear. As the time to say something approaches, you start to stutter.

It is only the beginning of a series of reactions that include all the symptoms of anxiety such as dizziness, tachycardia, shortness of breath, a feeling of unreality or that panic attack that hits you at the most inopportune moment. Something that only confirms your decision to avoid giving your opinion.

Causes of allodoxaphobia

One of the most worrisome aspects of allodoxaphobia is its cause. Apart from the usual origin of any phobia, which is the traumatic experience, in the case of the fear of issuing opinions we find low self-esteem and insecurity that must be dealt with as soon as possible esteem problems start to prevent you from developing your life normally, you can’t leave it for later.

It may come from childhood, it may be that adults made you silence in a bad way when you were a child, it may be that at some point you said something inappropriate and that caused you an enormous emotional burden… Or it may be that in this society that tries to silence don’t believe women has enough right to speak.

Although it should be noted that allodoxaphobia can be suffered by both women and men, that insecurity is not a gender issue. Therefore, with your inability to express an opinion and with the endorsement of low, low self-esteem and great insecurities, it is time to seek the appropriate treatment.

Treatment of allodoxaphobia

The fear of issuing opinions is not something you can solve on your own. It is true that by improving self-esteem, gaining confidence in yourself, believing in yourself and overcoming your insecurities, you will be able to see the act of talking to someone from another perspective and you will be able to act more naturally. But when we talk about overcoming a phobia, we are also talking about psychological treatment.

If cognitive is the most effective when it comes to treating any phobia, in the case of allodoxaphobia it must be accompanied by gradual exposure techniques. That is, practice in small groups, in similar groups, in groups in which you feel safe and try to give your opinion. But as we always warn, let yourself be guided by a professional.

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