
Parturiphobia or fear of childbirth: characteristics and keys to overcome it

They say that fear is free and that each person fears certain situations. Fear in itself is not something negative, except when it becomes something irrational and excessive and the possible danger is magnified. It is then when we talk about phobia or phobic disorder and that occurs in the case of parturiphobia or fear of childbirth. This

Parturiphobia or fear of childbirth: characteristics and keys to overcome it Read More »

The fear of adolescents exists and it is called Ephebiphobia (how to overcome it)

Among the rare and curious phobias, ephebiphobia or ephebophobia has called our attention, a fear of adolescents and young people whose origin is found in social and cultural stereotypes. Adolescents can inspire many things in you, but are young people so dangerous that they inspire terror and have to be avoided? There is much to say about this disorder that

The fear of adolescents exists and it is called Ephebiphobia (how to overcome it) Read More »

Can I be afraid of the stars? Learn about siderophobia and its causes

What for some may be a unique, special and magical moment for others may be unforgettable on the contrary, because it is a nightmare. The world of phobias surprises us with this fear of stars or siderophobia, a rare disorder that generates a lot of misunderstanding. How can you be afraid of the stars? And

Can I be afraid of the stars? Learn about siderophobia and its causes Read More »

Is agoraphobia curable? Advice from a psychologist to deal with fear

Feeling very afraid when going out into the street; can’t stand the idea of ​​being in closed places, such as an elevator or a movie theater; experiencing true fear when using public transport. All this is what a person with agoraphobia feels, one of the most limiting phobias that exist. But no, you don’t have to live your whole

Is agoraphobia curable? Advice from a psychologist to deal with fear Read More »

Arachibutyrophobia: Can you be afraid of peanut butter?

Can’t eat peanut butter? You may not like its taste or its texture and that is why you can’t stand it in your meals. But you may also suffer from arachibutyrophobia, a phobic disorder related to eating that can cause you more than one problem. If you want to know more about arachibutyrophobia or fear of peanut butter, we will

Arachibutyrophobia: Can you be afraid of peanut butter? Read More »

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