
Coitophobia is the fear of sex: causes and symptoms

What for some is a pleasure, for others is an unpleasant moment characterized by anxiety.  Some phobias can be very surprising, adding the misunderstanding of others to the problems that any phobic disorder already causes. On this occasion we talk about coitophobia or fear of sex. What is coitophobia? Coitophobia is the fear of sex, of having

Coitophobia is the fear of sex: causes and symptoms Read More »

Agrizoophobia: what is the fear of wild animals and how to overcome it?

Animals are often the object of phobia. There are specific phobias towards a specific animal and there is also a more general phobia towards all kinds of animals such as zoophobia. In the case of agrizoophobia, the stimulus is wild animals, which is still a rare disorder due to the scarce presence of these animals

Agrizoophobia: what is the fear of wild animals and how to overcome it? Read More »

Musophobia: when the fear of mice and rats paralyzes your life

Phobias aroused by some animals are frequent and they do not surprise us too much, but it is convenient to distinguish between phobia and repulsion, because being disgusted by spiders is not the same as being afraid of them. The same occurs with mice and rats, which sometimes cause rejection and other times fear in what

Musophobia: when the fear of mice and rats paralyzes your life Read More »

When the idea of ​​​​infinity scares you: do you have apeirophobia?

Who has not ever felt overwhelmed by the immensity of the infinite? While some phobias develop from a specific object, animal or situation, others can arise from feelings or abstract ideas, making them more difficult to identify. In our phobia dictionary we tell you everything about apeirophobia or fear of infinity. What is apeirophobia? Apeirophobia is the fear of infinity.

When the idea of ​​​​infinity scares you: do you have apeirophobia? Read More »

Fear of taking a test or an exam: testophobia and its consequences

Situational phobias arise in certain situations that generate a great deal of anxiety and fear in us. This is the case of testophobia or fear of exams, a disorder of which we can perfectly understand the origin, but not so much its development or its consequences, since testophobia can paralyze you. We tell you everything about this

Fear of taking a test or an exam: testophobia and its consequences Read More »

Scared of Friday the 13th? It’s called collaphobia and it’s no joke

Nobody believes that this Friday the 13th Jason will appear to end the lives of those who are in his path. But the truth is that the well-known movie “Friday the 13th” perfectly reflects the fear that some people feel on this very particular day. Friday the 13th is a terrifying day for many people who suffer from: collaphobia.

Scared of Friday the 13th? It’s called collaphobia and it’s no joke Read More »

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