Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: are you afraid of the number 666?

Can you have of a number? You can, especially if it is linked to superstition and its negative symbolism has been promoted from various sociocultural fields. In our phobia we tell you everything about the fear of the number 666, a phobia with an almost unpronounceable name that is mixed with religious beliefs, numerology and superstition. Do you want to know what is hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia or fear of the number 666?

What is hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia?

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is the fear of the number 666. You don’t need to learn the name; the world of phobias is already quite complicated. But do take into account the problems that a phobic disorder related toucan cause.

According to the Apocalypse, 666 is the number of the beast, the number of evil.  Theories suggest that this number is not only diabolic number, but that it made reference to the Roman emperor who persecuted the first Christians. Whether 666 refer to Nero or Domitian is not clear, what is clear is that it is an evil number.

And it is not the only one, since the also causes some phobias and is tried to be avoided at all costs, especially if it is accompanied by a Tuesday or a Friday. The fact that these number phobias are related to superstition does not detract from the negative consequences on the lives of those who suffer from them.

How the fear of the number 666 manifests itself

Avoidance behavior is the main manifestation of hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. Avoid living at number 666 on that street, not accepting a hotel room with that number, skipping page 666 of the book, changing the phone number if it contains this number… It doesn’t seem too difficult to live with this phobia, TRUE?

People with a 666 phobia can experience all the symptoms of anxiety, from dizziness to panic attacks, going through the sensation of suffocation if they do not at some point manage to avoid the stimulus that causes them fear. And sometimes you can’t, because what if you have to call a number that has 666 for work or health reasons?

Causes of hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia

The origin of this curious can be found in a specific place, the verse of Revelation 13:18.  Although it has a religious origin, over time it became part of popular superstition with the help of cinema and literature. But one biblical verse is not enough to develop a phobia.

Therefore, we can understand that the phobia of the number 666 is not a matter of religious ideology, but an excessive and irrational belief resulting from the obsessive, recurring and distorted thoughts that anxiety disorders produce. It, but it’s actually a phobic disorder like any other.

Treatment of phobia to 666

And like any phobic disorder, it needs proper treatment always from professional. Cognitive behavioral therapy works in the first place on those distorted thoughts, brings them closer to reality and transforms them, thus avoiding the fear reaction to the stimulus.

To overcome any phobia, it is very helpful to practice techniques such as meditation or relaxation techniques due to the anxious component that accompanies it. And in the specific case of hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, you can resort to a sincere talk with a priest who will help you understand the real meaning of that biblical verse in which the number 666 appears and which has nothing to do with daily life.

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