All phobias are limiting and most of them end up damaging social life especially. But there are some more dangerous phobias because they are related to health, such as iatrophobia or fear of the doctor, a disorder that prevents you from going to the medical center when you should. In our dictionary of phobias we talk about the problems caused by iatrophobia.
What is iatrophobia?
Iatrophobia is the fear of the doctor, health personnel in general and medical centers such as doctors’ offices and hospitals. It is a problem that can cause many health complications since the phobia makes you avoid the stimulus that causes fear. And you can’t avoid going to the health center.
People with iatrophobia delay going toes long as they can. Going to a health center is a nightmare for them, but it is clear that delaying the time to seek medical help can cause many health problems. Fear of the doctor is one of the most dangerous phobias.
Know what it feels like to have a phobia
Nobody likes to go to a hospital, not even for a visit. Nor to a health center or a doctor’s office. That characteristic smell can cause rejection and restlessness in many people, but that is not a phobia, it is a normal discomfort that many people experience.
Iatrophobia manifests itself with the same symptoms of anxiety at the idea of having to go to the doctor. Difficulty breathing, a feeling of suffocation, tingling in the extremities, palpitations or a feeling of unreality can give way to panic if the need leads you to go to the doctor.
Causes of fear of doctors
But what causes this irrational fear of doctors? Everything related to health causes us some concern and insecurity, so the most common cause of iatrophobia is an anxiety disorder where habitual fears are magnified to the point of being excessive and maladaptive.
We have already seen it with carcinophobia or fear of cancer, which are phobias in which health becomes the stimulus that causes panic. On some occasions, having lived a traumatic medical experience, such as admission to a hospital, surgery or a long illness in childhood, can cause the appearance of this phobia.
Iatrophobia treatment
You cannot let this phobic go by because it is necessary to see a doctor and on many occasions, a timely visit to the doctor can prevent many health complications. To overcome iatrophobia psychological help is necessary, it is not something you can do on your own and cognitive behavioral therapy is the most effective in these cases.
Finding the origin of those irrational thoughts that lead you to panic about the doctor will help you to be able to modify your avoidance and anxiety behavior, but everything must be done gradually and with professional supervision. Relaxation techniques are of great help in this process due to the anxiety that manifests itself in all kinds of phobias.