Letter to my phobia: I’m going to defeat you

Many people live with their phobia because they don’t believe they are capable of overcoming it. At first a phobia is not a problem and sometimes it can be confused with a simple hobby. But little by little fear and avoidance are enveloping your life until turning it into hell. You have to overcome phobias, but you can only do that with help. While you are looking for the best treatment, you can write a letter to your phobia saying that you are going to beat it.

It was time to write a letter to my phobia

I don’t know how to start this letter to my phobia, -to you, yes- because you are not my dear friend:

But it is true that you have been my inseparable companion for a long time. I didn’t even realize when or why you came into my life, but your presence has become more and more evident to the point that I no longer can or want to look the other way. Like a possessive and jealous friend, you have invaded my life and you are present at every moment, never leaving me alone for a minute.

Good. This letter is to tell you that I don’t want you in my life. So take a good look because I’m preparing your bags for you to go far away. Don’t worry because I will put in them everything you need to survive. I have carefully folded insecurity, put anguish in a bag and wrapped anxiety in silk cloth. I don’t want them.

Fear, crying and the desire to flee also go in the suitcase. The anxiety pills, you keep them, I’m not going to need them and you can also take distorted, recurring and obsessive thoughts. I no longer need them. I can live without them and I can live without you.

I know it’s not going to be easy. I know you will knock on my door again and again. But believe me; you’d better catch the first train because I’m never letting you in again. I have sought help and with therapy I will be able to forget about you. Because I’m stronger than you, although until now I didn’t know it. No more fears, no more going out, no more daring, no more running. No more excuses that multiplied my problems. It’s over, phobia. This is your end.

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