Mysophobia: Are you afraid of dirt?

All phobias are to be taken seriously, even though some of them seem impossible to us.  Suffering from a phobic disorder is more than just having certain hobbies, it is a problem that can greatly condition your life and that is why you have to try to overcome them as soon as possible. In our dictionary of phobias we talk about the problem of mysophobia or the fear of dirt.

What is mysophobia?

Misophobia is the fear of dirt, contamination, bacteria or germs. It is a phobia that is closely related to obsessive since people who suffer from it are constantly washing their hands, showering or disinfecting everything they have to touch. It is, as you can see, a phobia that conditions and interferes in the life of the person who suffers from it.

Mysophobia is a pathological fear that comes loaded with obsessive thoughts about contracting a disease. Compulsive behaviors cannot be avoided when someone touches you or when you touch something because everything is susceptible to germs. Can you imagine passing your hand over the railing of some stairs? Hands must be washed or disinfected.

Am I afraid of dirt?

You may feel some reluctance when entering public, for example, and that is normal.  Mysophobia appears when both the behavior and the symptoms begin to interfere with your daily life. The most obvious symptoms are the same as those of anxiety, with nervousness, tachycardia, and shortness of breath or dizziness, among others.

But in the case of musophobia, the psychic symptoms may be more dangerous, since obsessive thoughts are invading all areas of life. You no longer feel safe even in your own home, let alone in the office or on public transport. And that obsession together with compulsive behavior can isolate that

The person with mysophobia believes that everything has a danger related to contamination, dirt and germs. To curb the anxiety that this fear causes her, she dedicates herself to cleaning or prevention rituals that make living in society quite difficult.

Causes of this phobia

The causes of a phobia are difficult to determine, although most of them are related to an anxiety problem that generates fear and more fear. In the case of mysophobia, due to its relationship with obsessive-compulsive disorder, it must be treated as soon as possible.

It is also common to look for the origin of a phobia in a traumatic experience due to conditioning and, in this specific case of the fear of germs, it may be the result of imitation if you grew up with a family member obsessed with cleanliness.

Treatment of musophobia

The treatment of musophobia requires psychological help. As with most phobias, cognitive is the most effective because it can transform the thinking that leads to compulsive behavior. And don’t rule out medication to treat this fear of germs.

Phobias find relief in relaxation techniques due to the anxiety component that is present in all of them. Mindfulness and breathing exercises are very effective for those moments when the situation is taking that person to the limit of their emotional resistance.

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