Glossophobia: overcome your fear of public speaking

It happens with many phobias that sometimes it is difficult to find the limit between logical fear and irrational fear. This is the case of glossophobia or fear of public speaking, a fear that is most natural when you have to present a project or give a speech in front of some listeners. Nervousness is normal and even healthy, avoidance

Glossophobia: overcome your fear of public speaking Read More »

Is agoraphobia curable? Advice from a psychologist to deal with fear

Feeling very afraid when going out into the street; can’t stand the idea of ​​being in closed places, such as an elevator or a movie theater; experiencing true fear when using public transport. All this is what a person with agoraphobia feels, one of the most limiting phobias that exist. But no, you don’t have to live your whole

Is agoraphobia curable? Advice from a psychologist to deal with fear Read More »

Xanthophobia or fear of the color yellow: Are you afraid of the color of ‘bad luck’?

What are you afraid of? The world of phobias is sometimes very surprising to us, although it seems almost normal to be afraid of spiders, of flying, of snakes, or we even normalize disorders such as agoraphobia. However, other phobias are more difficult for us to understand. This is the case of xanthophobia or fear of

Xanthophobia or fear of the color yellow: Are you afraid of the color of ‘bad luck’? Read More »

How long could you be without a mobile? Nomophobia and its symptoms

Did you know that 96% of families have at least one mobile phone? And that 77% of people who access the Internet do so through this device? This is confirmed by the National Institute of Statistics with its data. However, it is not just that we have a mobile phone: we have become addicted to it. As a result of this addiction,

How long could you be without a mobile? Nomophobia and its symptoms Read More »

How many and what are the most common fears and phobias?

Fear is the instinctive reaction that we feel before an object or a situation that is a threat to our integrity. Therefore, fear is necessary. The problem is when this becomes irrational and illogical. At that time, it is considered to have become a phobia. But how many and what are the most common fears and phobias? What fears are the

How many and what are the most common fears and phobias? Read More »

Careful! If you are afraid of getting pregnant you may have tokophobia

All women at some point in their lives have been afraid of getting pregnant. Who has not ever suffered when seeing that their? Who hasn’t been nervous thinking that a baby may be on the way? These specific doubts are totally normal. However, when the fear of getting pregnant or childbirth becomes something irrational and conditions your life and your behaviors,

Careful! If you are afraid of getting pregnant you may have tokophobia Read More »

Fear of being wrong: consequences and useful keys to overcome fears

We all have fears. Fear is a natural survival mechanism, which alerts us to a danger, real or imagined, and which in turn allows us to be attentive to what interests us to “control”, protect ourselves, take care of ourselves… However, not all fears are adaptive, logical or rational. Everything will depend on whether or not that fear

Fear of being wrong: consequences and useful keys to overcome fears Read More »

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