Podophobia: do your feet disgust you?

Everyone wants to have well-cared, beautiful and healthy feet, but not everyone gets it.  While the vast majority of people neglect their feet out of sheer carelessness, other people are unable to get close to their feet because of the part of the body produces in them. Find out what foot phobia is and how it affects you. We tell you what the most common symptoms are so that you are able to identify if you suffer from phonophobia.

How to survive foot phobia?

There is a wide variety and some of them easily go unnoticed. It is not enough to approach the object or situation that causes us the phobia to be able to lead a completely normal life. However, not all phobias have this possibility of avoidance and this is the case of phobia of feet or phonophobia.

While some fetishists sigh for well-groomed feet and consider them one of the most erotic parts of the body, others cannot bear the sight of a foot, neither their own nor someone else’s. They are people with phonophobia whose feet are most repulsive and unpleasant.

It is a curious but worrisome phobia, because if it is not controlled it can make the person suffering from it suffer a lot. Sometimes it is very difficult to find a cause that justifies the development of this type of irrational Phobias is often caused by a traumatic experience (a serious foot disease, a birth deformity, a painful break, the memory of someone kicking you frequently…). But in the case of phonophobia, this illogical fear could also stem from some kind of complex about the appearance of this limb.

It is common for people who suffer from phonophobia or another type of phobia to develop  symptoms related to anxiety when they have to face their own feet or those of others.  In some cases, the mere imagination or exposure to a photograph in which they appear is the reason for dizziness, nausea, tachycardia, difficulty breathing, excessive sweating, etc.

The consequences of having a phobia of feet

The consequences of suffering from this foot phobia are many. The care that the feet need is limited to the minimum of what is healthy with the obvious risk of foot problems such as fungus or other infections. Relationship problems can also be among the consequences of podophobia, especially if your partner fails to understand the origin of your rejection at the feet.

This phobia of feet is not a trivial matter, although it can generate jokes and jokes. People with podophobia go to the extreme of never being without socks so they don’t have to see their feet, thus depriving themselves of some social situations. The mere idea of ​​​​going to the beach and seeing themselves or others with their feet in the air is one of the most feared situations for people who suffer from this type of phobia. In this way, the most serious cases end up leading to worrying social isolation.

The best treatment for a phobia like this

To overcome a phobia, it is best to put yourself in the hands of an expert. No matter how much strength and will you put into it, it will be much easier for you, and less painful, to put your fears aside if you have the advice of a therapist or psychologist. Treatments generally recommended. This focuses both on the stimuli that cause anxiety, which in this case are the feet, and on the thoughts it generates and its consequences, which are usually changes in conduct or behavior (isolation, avoidance, etc.)

Through psychological work, in which relaxation plays a fundamental role, this therapy tries to get the patient to stop associating the phobic stimulus with negative thoughts. This task is complicated, but it is by no means impossible, so if you suffer from it, do not stop trying to solve it.

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