Nobody believes that this Friday the 13th Jason will appear to end the lives of those who are in his path. But the truth is that the well-known movie “Friday the 13th” perfectly reflects the fear that some people feel on this very particular day. Friday the 13th is a terrifying day for many people who suffer from: collaphobia.
The phobia of Friday the 13th: a matter of geography
Collaphobia, which is also known by the impossible terms friggaastriscaidecaphobia or parascevedecatriaphobia, consists of the irrational fear of Friday the 13th. But the truth is that if we investigate the origin of this phobia, we cannot determine if it is more the fear of Friday, the fear of the number 13 or the conjunction of both on an ominous date. What is clear is that it is a phobia determined by geographical issues.
This fear of Friday the 13th was restricted, until a few years ago, to the Anglo-Saxon cultural sphere. And it is that in Latin countries the rejection was towards that day in which it is not convenient to marry or embark, Tuesday. For their part, in Italy they fled more from Friday, but in this case, from Friday the 17th. But whether due to globalization, whether due to those inevitable cultural influences like Coca Cola or McDonalds, the fear of Friday the 13th is already fully installed in our culture.
Although the rejection and superstitions that this designated day implies is already quite frequent, this such is not so frequent, which ends up confining the person who suffers it to bed for fear that something bad will happen to him that day. . Absence from work, not opening the door for anyone, not answering the phone…we can perfectly imagine the anguish suffered by people with collaphobia. That is why we would like to warn that any joke in this regard is directed towards all those superstitions that surround Friday the 13th and not towards the phobic disorder.
The origin of the fear of Friday the 13th
We establish, then, a more cinematographic origin than anything else for this phobia in certain latitudes of the world. And we rethink the. Some sources date a bloody and bloody episode in which countless Knights Templar were burned at the stake on Friday the 13th of the 12th century, so since then bad luck would act as a name day to remember the cruel act. However, there are also those who affirm that this happened on Tuesday the 13th.
In this way we focus on the number 13, which seems to be the real culprit of all the misfortunes that occur on a day like this Friday the 13th or even Tuesday. And to reinforce the negativity of this number, it is enough to say that in the Tarot 13 is the number of death. We do not know if this Friday the 13th has a scientific or historical basis or is mere superstition, but we want to remember the, a year that was also surrounded by bad omens and here we continue, ready to finish it and happier than ever.