There are phobias whose stimulus can be an animal, an object, an environmental situation or even a feeling. Actually, everything can be a reason for phobia, since it is a disorder in which any stimulus is considered dangerous. We are surprised by atazagoraphobia, which we talk about in our dream dictionary and which is the fear of oblivion.
What is atazagoraphobia?
Atazagoraphobia is the fear of forgetting, of being forgotten or of forgetting people, obligations, names, faces… If you have ever met someone and they have left you planted due to carelessness, you will know how bad it is and the amount of negative feelings that overwhelm you. Imagine those sensations multiplied due to phobic.
That someone does not call you, that your partner abandons you, that your ex-partner forgets you so soon, that your friends stay one afternoon without letting you know, that your mother does not call to go to lunch on Sunday, that your boss does not take you in It counts for that meeting, that your colleagues do not invite you to meet them after work, that the taxi you have called does not come… all these situations can trigger all the consequences of atazagoraphobia .
Symptoms of fear of forgetting
But this fear of oblivion is a round trip. Because atazagoraphobia also implies the fear that you will forget something, your child’s birthday, buying milk before going home, your friend’s operation or the exam you have to take in June. And if you forget?
Atazagoraphobia has the usual physical of anxiety, but the psychological symptoms are more dangerous. That insecurity in case you forget something or if someone forgets you lead you to have low self-esteem and establish dependency relationships. Sometimes it can be confused with eremophobia or fear of loneliness, but in this case it is the fear of being forgotten, of not being taken into account.
The causes of atazagoraphobia
As with all phobias, atazagoraphobia can be caused by a traumatic experience in childhood. If your parents did not arrive one day on time to pick you up from school, if you got lost at a fair and thought you had been abandoned, or if they forgot that you wanted to go to your friend’s birthday party, that experience may be marked forever.
In some cases, adopted children suffer from this phobia as they are aware that they were once abandoned. But in most cases, atazagoraphobia is related to an anxiety disorder that causes the most unexpected fears to arise and everything is considered dangerous.
Treatment of this phobia
A problem like atazagoraphobia cannot be overcome by your own means and you will need psychological help. Among the most widely used treatments is cognitive, although pharmacological treatment is never ruled out, always under medical supervision.
Gradual exposure techniques are effective in this fear of forgetting and also neurolinguistic programming, which helps to modify the initial distorted, thought. In the case of atazagoraphobia, it is recommended, in addition to the fundamental relaxation techniques, a program to improve, which is so weakened by this fear of oblivion.